Tunnel Farming In Pakistan
In order to provide for society’s ever-increasing demands, cutting-edge technology is essential. Modern technologies are an excellent development in this direction in the use of tunnel farming in Pakistan. This tunnel farming technology allows for the low-cost, high-yield cultivation of non-seasonal vegetables. Which can be used not only for food for the people but also to generate significant export earnings. In tunnel farming in Pakistan, out-season vegetable grows successfully. In addition to this, fresh, nutritious veggies are also easily accessible.
Why Tunnel Farming?

Vegetables are in high demand all twelve months of the year. If modern methods are used to cultivate vegetables during the off-season, then the product can command high prices. The emergence of techniques like tunnel technology, in which temperature and moisture are controlled for the growth of vegetables in specified conditions, allows for vegetable cultivation outside of the traditional growing season. Growing veggies year-round allows technically savvy farmers to maximize their yields and profits compared to planting at specific times.
It is possible to achieve higher productivity with less area in the tunnel. Therefore, farmers with less area can significantly increase their income through tunnel technology. Off-season The use of tunnels for growing vegetables is becoming increasingly common as a result of the relatively low cost and the simplicity of the method. Transparent plastic tunnels let in the sunlight the plants need while blocking out the cold winter air outside. To maximize crop yield while preserving soil fertility and regulating temperatures, tunnels are an indispensable tool. The three most common varieties of tunnels are as follows:
Lower Tunnel
In comparison to high tunnels, low tunnels are less expensive, but the crop yield is lower. It is challenging to select, spray, and prepare the soil in this tunnel. These tunnels can be used to grow cucumbers, melons, watermelons, bitter gourds, squash, and snake gourds.
Walk Through Tunnel
In comparison to High tunnels, these are shorter in height. When comparing Walk-in tunnels to Low tunnels, the former produces better results. Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and chilies are all viable options for cultivation within the tunnel.
High Tunnel
With their spacious interiors and high ceilings, high tunnels maximize crop output while simplifying such labor-intensive tasks as soil preparation, harvesting, and spraying. It’s possible to cultivate tomatoes, cucumbers, and sweet peppers in the tunnel.
Saving water through Drip Irrigation
Due to climate changes getting water for crops is becoming very difficult in Pakistan. The reason for this is the low availability of canal water and the tubewell water is very expensive and not very beneficial for the land. That is why crops that need more water are being reduced in their cultivation. But tunnel farming in Pakistan is a golden step. Through Tunnel technology, a lot of profit can be made by cultivating non-seasonal vegetables with little water through the drip system.
Vegetables need frequent irrigation in the hot summer (every 5–7 days, depending on the soil type), but only occasional, light watering in the colder winter months (December–January). Depending on the weather, the required amount of water might be altered. Drip irrigation is the most efficient form of watering plants in regions with limited water supplies. If fertilizers are given by drips as fertigation, water consumption efficiency increases, and more kinds of fertilizers, including micronutrients, can be employed in the early stages of plant growth. Increased production, higher quality fruit, and reduced insect pests are all results of fertigation use.
Canal water is ideal for irrigation, but if a tube well is the only option, an analysis of the water must be performed before irrigation or the start of business to prevent any negative consequences if the water is found to be unfit for irrigation. Vegetable tunnel farming in Pakistan is not a good investment in areas with salty soils and unsuitable water. Since drip irrigation is a technological process, it should be carried out by experts.
Generate High Profit in Minimum Crop Areas
As was said earlier, the use of technology that enables tunnel farming can make farming more profitable in a smaller space. The price of the vegetables cultivated in the tunnel is higher than the price of vegetables grown according to their natural seasons because they are available year-round. Because of this, the veggies that are cultivated within the tunnel generate five times the amount of profit that the Musa crops do.
Generating Revenue for Country
The conventional methods of growing vegetables produce vegetables of lower quality. But growing vegetables in a tunnel produces vegetables of much higher quality. In addition, it is also possible to grow more vegetables in the same amount of space. Which is beneficial for both domestic and international food production. In addition to meeting the requirements of the rising population, the export of these veggies to other nations can bring in a significant amount of foreign currency, which will contribute to the growth and development of the nation.
Tunnel Farming in Pakistan Growing Vegetables
Vegetables grown in plastic-covered tunnels can be harvested earlier and in greater quantity than those grown outdoors in the spring. The following are examples of high-value vegetable crops that have demonstrated notable increases in early maturity:
- Vegetables: Capsicum and cucumber Tomatoes, peppers, gourds, melons, brinjal, and watermelons
Recommended Seed for Tunnel Farming in Pakistan
A unique process is used to produce hybrid seeds. Which then results in a crop yield that is three to four times greater than that of ordinary seeds. Because they are able to resist multiple diseases and have a germination capacity that is above 90%, hybrid seeds are recommended for cultivation in tunnels due to the fact that they are superior to regular seeds in both of these respects.
Soil and Sowing Tips for Tunnel Farming in Pakistan
- The leveling of the soil should be done correctly, preferably with a laser leveler.
- Working the soil with a rotavator or cultivator to get it ready.
- Utilization of Farm Yard Manure That Has Been Decomposed At least ten tons of manure should be applied per acre at least ninety days before sowing.
- Prepare beds before sowing.
- When it’s time to start sowing or seeding, you should first make holes and then fill those holes with media that’s been prepared by combining loam soil, FYM, and fertilizers.
- It is not recommended to flood the field with water. The application of irrigation should be done in such a way that the water level is kept below the sowing area; only moisture should reach the seed in order to wet, it so that it can germinate. The percentage of seeds that germinated would increase if done so.
- When considering the kind of soil, light watering should be done every two to three days in order to ensure that the soil has the appropriate moisture levels for germination.