Wilt Disease of Guava
Wilt disease of Guava: Guava is one of the most popular and healthy fruits in the world. If we discuss the guava’s health and economic values, guava is more than beneficial for health as well as economics. Cultivation of guava has risen over the last few years, due to the high revenue-generating crop. Cultivation of guava is in tropical and subtropical countries. However, cultivation increased in the last few years, but per hectare, on average crop production rapidly decreased, it is an alarming situation for the progressive farmer. The Wilt disease of guava is one of the major reasons for decreasing the production of guava.
So many diseases are attacked on guavas like other crops, wilt disease of guava one of them. This disease is one of the major diseases in the guava orchard. This guava disease causes severe damage to the guava. Guava disease belongs to a fungicide disease family pathogen Fusarium. Due to guava disease, crops can suffer 05 to 15 % loss. This disease can damage crops in any soil but is more than dangerous enough for guava in alkaline soil.
Symptoms of Wilt disease
This Wilt disease symptoms on leaves, Affected leaves look yellowish and slightly curved at an earlier stage, but later at a higher stage, they turn into a dark red color. Finally, affected leaves are shed prematurely from the tree. Symptoms of the disease on tree branches become bare and unable to bring up new leaves and flowers. Moreover, the whole plant becomes defoliated and dries up.
These guava disease symptoms are pretty common in guava plants. However, wilt symptoms can be different during the year. August, leaves are yellowish in the interveinal, which seems too weak, leaves may drop even slightly. In September leaves generally look curling. In humid weather (January to June), wilt disease is more dangerous than in other months.
Guava Disease Management
wilt has not been appropriately controlled, but after taking a few necessary actions we can prevent this disease.
Wilt Disease of Guava Control Cultural Practice
- Arrange proper sanitation and drainage in the orchids.
- Wilt disease-affected trees should be uprooted from the orchid and buried in the ground after the brunt.
- Proper tree trimming, prompt and adequate fertilizing, intercultural and irrigation can help to resist disease.
- Tree transplanting carefully while transplanting the guava tree, the roots should not be damaged.
- They reduced the risk of disease with the usage of organic fertilizer or green manure.
A chemical control wilt disease of Guava
Wilt disease chemical control, after using too many chemicals on the trees and detailed research conclude the result, the disease cannot be controlled appropriately through chemical methods. However, some quantity of mixture usage has resistance against disease I.e., chaubatia paste, Quinalphos sulfate (water-soluble), Benlate, Metasystox and Zinc sulfate, Captafol and Thiabendazole, thiophanate methyl, Captafol, and Thiobendazoles.
Wilt disease of Guava Biological control
Due to the soil-borne nature of the wilt disease pathogen, it has been too difficult to control with chemicals only. However, the biological and chemical control methods are too effective and perfect to control the wilt disease. In this regard, Bio-Agent, Aspergillus Niger was found most effective against the wilt disease of guava. This Bio-Agent growth enhances guava. Research on a guava tree, the result says, where Aspergillus Niger Bio-Agent uses on a guava tree, those guava tree growth seems too fast, and production and quality of fruit are more than enough beside those trees where not use of bio-agent.