Tunnel Farming

Tunnel Farming Pakistan
The demand for veggies is high all year round. The beginning and end of each season see the highest prices Tunnel Farming. If farmers use Tunnel Farming Pakistan methods to cultivate crops during the off-season, they can reap substantial profits from a variety of products. Using tunnel farming Pakistan technology, Tunnel Farming in which temperature and moisture are controlled for the growth of crops, vegetables and fruits can be farmed outside of their natural growing seasons. With year-round access to veggies, farmers can maximize their efforts and earn more money than they would from growing seasonal crops in Pakistan.
Types of Tunnel
Pakistani farmers employ one of three distinct tunnel farming methods when the weather is unsuitable for harvesting traditional crops.

High Tunnel
Walk-in Tunnel
Lower Tunnel

High Tunnel
High tunnel technology allows for the year-round cultivation of vegetables normally grown only during specific times of the year. The farm’s predicted yield potential shifts depending on the type of vegetable being grown. Each passage is around 30 to 32 feet wide, 10 feet in height, and 200 feet in length. The bamboo used to construct the tunnel ranges in length from 8.25 feet to 20 feet in diameter.

The bamboo is planted at uniform intervals of around 10 to 15 feet. The tunnel structures will then be wrapped in a thin plastic sheet, only 0.10 mm thick. For example, growing tomatoes, sweet peppers, and cucumbers each require about an acre of land, but six tunnels may be built on that space. The cost of the plastic used as a shield (cover) and mulch, as well as the other mentioned structural and material requirements of such a tunnel, vary depending on the type of material utilized for structure.
Walk-in Tunnel
Walk-in tunnels are recommended for growing vegetables out of season due to their inexpensive cost of building. Tomatoes, chillies, cucumbers, brinjals, hot peppers, sweet peppers, watermelons, muskmelons, pumpkins, ridge gourds, and bitter gourds are just some of the veggies that can be grown in walk-in tunnels outside of their traditional growing seasons. Approximately 8 feet in height and 12 feet in width characterize each of the two tunnels. The 20-foot-long tunnel is made from 1/2-inch galvanized iron and is shaped like a half-moon. Each set of plastic pipes is spaced at regular intervals of 10 to 15 feet. A plastic sheet 0.08 mm thick and 20 feet wide covers each tunnel structure. Whether you’re growing cucumbers, bitter gherkins, or peppers, you can fit around 14 tunnels onto an acre of ground.
Lower Tunnel
Pakistan recommends low tunnel farming for off-season food cultivation. It’s cheap and similar to conventional farming. These tunnels are good for melons, watermelons, pumpkins, round gourds, squashes, etc. Farmers often employ this excellent strategy. Farm yield estimates vary by crop. With the above crop mix, 96 tons per season can be achieved ignoring loss, which is 30% greater than the usual seasonal crop. 200-foot-long, 3.5-to-4-foot-high, 4-foot-wide tunnels. The tunnel is made from a 10-foot-long, 1/4-inch-diameter iron rod. Pipes are every 10 feet. Each tunnel will be coated with a 10-foot-wide, 0.04-mm-thick plastic sheet. Depending on the type of vegetable (watermelon, muskmelon, round gourd), each acre can hold 25 tunnels. The cost of a tunnel’s structure and materials depends on the type of material utilized, including the cost of plastic used as a shield (cover) and mulch.

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